This is your Chance

Mindful Academy is an online mentorship program that is here to give structure to a footballers life. We will help you with finding trials anywhere across the world and provide you with meal plans, training programs and gym plans (optional).

*Please Note* There are limited spots open currently. This is so we can provide the best coaching possible to our clients.

Mindful Academy

We will help you develop as a footballer and help with networking and finding trials!

Join the Online Academy today:

Mentality, Nutrition, and football Training plans

✅ Professional Highlight Tape created and showed to teams at a higher level

1 on 1 coaching via email/text at any time in the day

✅Available in ANY location across the world

📌 If you don't like your progress after 1 month, you will get your money back

That's how confident we are in our services, 0 risk for you, put all of the financial risk on us.

Apply Here!